zaterdag, november 26, 2005



Snow came and melted
Right away in half a day.

Yaa, in this country seasons
Are inaccurate and quite confusing.
They seem to give up soon, for many reasons,
Without apology for their intrusions.

And our people in the streets seem not to care.
They rather worship and accept this unexpected seasons’ wrestling
And innocently just ignore the birds who really dare,
Building their homes on barren branches; hopefully nestling.

Snow came that day and melted right away.
And not one photo I could press to send to my sweet girl,
Who lives six hours later from where I always stay.
But she will be one time with me, when snowflakes swirl.

Mindert Warre/05/02/01

Ahad Lalu

Salju datang dan cair
Tepat di tengah hari

Ya, di negeri ini musim
Meleset dan meragukan
Agaknya dia kan berhenti segera, dengan berbagai alasan,
Tiada maaf bagi gangguan

Dan agaknya orang di jalanan tak peduli
Mereka lebih senang berdoa dan menerima pergulatan musim yang tak diharapkan
Dan dengan tulus menolak burung-burung pemberani
Membangun rumahnya di ranting telanjang, mengharapkan sarang

Salju datang hari itu dan mencair seketika
Dan tak satu pun foto kubuat untuk kekasih tercinta
Yang tinggal enam jam ke belakang dari tempatku selalu berada
Tapi sekali waktu dia kan bersamaku, kala kepingan salju turun berdansa

Mindert Warre/05/02/01

Sunday in autumn

This morning, looking out from windowglasses:
I thought:
There’s so much sun to welcome me today.

And it is Sunday; but I did not go to church.
Sharing that bit of weekend-laziness
With tabby-cat at home; God bless!

While having sun and warmth inside my house,
One learns that it should match with what you feel inside.
And “Yes”, this morning: I dressed in brand new blouse,
That covered all old bones, but face …: still in that light!

So swallowing that sun - as well as the fresh air. -
Into my bones, blouse, face and open eyes to stare,
Will every sunday be my guest, my friend, my heir.